We are often raised to believe that, Money isn’t everything. Money can’t buy Happiness. And in our hapless search for Happiness we end up being miserable by ignoring what money can buy for us.
Yes, Money can buy happiness but it entirely depends on what you spend it on.
Very first question to ask yourself is What happiness means to you?
“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.”
― Marcus Tullius Cicero
Good Books? Money can buy Good Books for you, least an access to good library.
A beautiful Garden? Money can buy best in quality seeds, fertilizers, land, tools that constitute a beautiful garden.
Meeting new people, visiting new places? Money can buy tickets for you to travel wherever you want.
Good Health? Money can buy food, access to health instruments, treatment for your diseases and access to healthcare.
Helping Others? What else can be greatest utilization of the money than helping others. Money can buy yourself more time, resources, energy to help others.
Happiness is mostly attributed to things like Garden, Health, Good Books, Good social circle. And the most important fact that connects everything together is often ignored that is Money.
I quoted Cicero’s quote earlier, however we should not ignore that he was born in 106 BC, a time when mostly money was a tool of riches and powerful. Today we live in fairer, democratic, freer world and we have access to ethical ways of garnering money than ever was possible.
So let’s respect the value of money in our life and lets not waste it on petty things, garner it for our own Upliftment by choosing to spend our money wisely.
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